All products identified below have individual Technical Data Sheets and Safety Data sheets accompanying them.
Certificates of Analysis are available upon request.
Contact us for more information.

70% IPA with WFI Water
General-purpose disinfectant for use in controlled environments. QT 70 IPA is a blend containing 70% USP grade Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) and 30% USP WFI filtered to 0.22 microns and gamma irradiated to SAL of 10-6.

Water for Injection (WFI)
Produced in an ISO 9001, ISO 13485 certified and FDA-registered facility using potable water which is subjected to extensive purification with 2 reverse osmosis passes and final filtration of 0.1μm.

70% Ethanol based
General-purpose disinfectant for use in controlled environments. QT 70 SDA is a blend containing 70% Denatured Ethanol with Methanol and 30% USP WFI filtered to 0.22 microns and Gamma Irradiated to SAL of 10-6.

6% Hydrogen Peroxide
Specifically formulated for the removal of residues and cleaning of hard non-porous surfaces in clean rooms or other critical environments including, floors, walls, equipment, carts, and tables. Bottles are filled and sealed aseptically in an ISO class 5 environment.

0.52 % or 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite
Specifically formulated for the removal of residues and cleaning of hard non-porous surfaces in clean rooms or other critical environments including, floors, walls, equipment, carts, and tables. Bottles are filled and sealed aseptically in an ISO class 5 environment.

Quarternary Ammonium
5th generation quaternary ammonium solution for use in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, healthcare and medical industries.
It is a broad-spectrum disinfectant, sanitizer, germicidal detergent, cleaner, deodorizer, yeasticide, virucide for use against bacteria, viruses** and yeast.

Recommended for use on pre-cleaned surfaces and equipment.
Developed for use as a sterilant broad spectrum disinfectant for surfaces and equipment for industries such aspharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical products manufacturing & research facilities.

Pre-Saturated Wipes
For contamination control, spills, and cleaning tasks. Available in Sterile and Non-Sterile packaging. Available in different types of wipes, such as CP Wipes, Polyester Wipes, and Non-Woven MBPP wipers.